Friday, November 8, 2013

Halloween 2013

We had a great Halloween this year. Last year costume wise was a bust, I was very pregnant and didn't have the energy to come up with anything great. This year Todd and I spent all week sewing and creating costumes. We went trick or treating around Monmouth with the Allen family, we then went to some neighborhoods. One house gave out full size candy bars!!!! Maddie went as Zelda, Wesley was Link, Emma was a jedi knight and Oliver was Elmer Fudd. We didn't get a picture of him with the vest on but the hat was sure cute.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oldie but Goodie

Hello Again Long time no see!!

I have had so much fun lately playing with my camera. I have taken a few online courses that helped me use my camera better. I beg everyone to let me practice on them. I have to bribe  Maddie and Emma with makeup but Wesley has been a great sport and let me take a lot of him.  Here are some of my favorites. Mandie let me take some of her family too.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rockin Rogers tweet tweet tweet tweet

After the big dance recital the Yates and the Wilcoxs went to Rockin Rogers. I was a little skeptical at first judging from the outside but the food was actually pretty good and the view was amazing. Emma only spilled a little on her dance costume.

Big changes


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Emma's birthday

I can't believe she is already four. We celebrated her birthday early because Todd had to go back to work, so we all gathered at the park in McMinnville. That day was a little hectic Maddie had a makeup softball game because it got rained out earlier in the week. We didn't realize it until five minutes before. So in the middle of all the chaos of baking cupcakes and chicken salad we stopped what we were doing and went to a softball game for two hours. Shortly after the game was over we were on the road again for Emma's party, halfway there we realized we left all Emma gifts at home. Thank goodness her aunts stepped up and brought her some gifts open. It worked out because she had two parties. She got a Minnie Mouse house from Molly, a princess house from Amy, balloons from amber and a kitchen set from abby (sorry abby). The next day she opened tutus and a book from grandma and princess dresses and books from mom. All in all she had a great 4 year old birthday. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I broke a heart

This week Maddie had to make a igloo out of sugar cubes for school and I forgot to take a picture of it. When Maddie and I were making it Emma kept sneaking the sugar cubes and eating them. She was not happy when I took them away from her.